
Into the Magic Circle (IMC) is an online, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal on the cultural and social theory of the play-element of society, politics, culture, arts, and everyday life. The journal welcomes all relevant approaches of the social sciences and humanities domain to reflect on the phenomenon and philosophy of game and the problem of play in times of modernity, and related topics. The title refers to the theory of the Dutch historian Johan Huizinga, who wrote the first ground-breaking essay on the importance of game and play in every aspect of our lives: Homo Ludens.

Besides journal articles, IMC also translates and (re)publishes highlights from the historical reception of Homo Ludens, in order to make important reflections on game and play accessible for a world-wide audience. These texts are labeled Capita Selecta: The Homo Ludens Reception, and one of them can be found in every new issue.

Technology and Regulation (TechReg) is an international journal of law, technology and society, with an interdisciplinary identity. TechReg provides an online platform for disseminating original research on the legal and regulatory challenges posed by existing and emerging technologies (and their applications) including, but by no means limited to, the Internet and digital technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning, robotics, neurotechnology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, energy and climate change technology, and health and food technology. We conceive of regulation broadly to encompass ways of dealing with, ordering and understanding technologies and their consequences, such as through legal regulation, competition, social norms and standards, and technology design (or in Lessig’s terms: law, market, norms and architecture).

We aim to address critical and sometimes controversial questions such as:

How do new technologies shape society both positively and negatively? Should technology development be steered towards societal goals, and if so, which goals and how? What are the benefits and dangers of regulating human behavior through technology? What is the most appropriate response to technological innovation, in general or in particular cases? It is in this sense that TechReg is intrinsically interdisciplinary: we believe that legal and regulatory debates on technology are inextricable from societal, political and economic concerns, and that therefore technology regulation requires a multidisciplinary, integrated approach. Through a combination of monodisciplinary, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary articles, the journal aims to contribute to an integrated vision of law, technology and society.

We invite original, well-researched and methodologically rigorous submissions from academics and practitioners, including policy makers, on a wide range of research areas such as privacy and data protection, security, surveillance, cybercrime, intellectual property, innovation, competition, governance, risk, ethics, media and data studies, and others.

Passion: Journal of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotion is the bi-annual journal of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotion (EPSSE). It aims to bring together thoughts and ideas about affect and emotion from all areas of philosophy, such as the metaphysics, phenomenology, sociology, ethics, politics, and (cognitive) science of emotion. PASSION is not limited to representing one tradition of philosophical thought. We welcome papers from all philosophical traditions including (but not limited to) analytic, continental, experimental, feminist and non-Western philosophy. Although primarily philosophical, Passion will also publish high-quality interdisciplinary work on emotions and related topics. We also plan to regularly publish special issues on various emotion-related themes.

ZHC geeft samen met Erfgoed Brabant en de Historische Vereniging Brabant het Noordbrabants Historisch Jaarboek (NHJ) uit. Het NHJ is hét platform voor wetenschappelijke publicaties over de geschiedenis van Brabant. Daarbij denken we in het bijzonder aan Noord-Brabant, maar daarnaast ook aan gebieden daarbuiten die ooit tot het hertogdom Brabant behoorden. Het jaarboek bevat artikelen over de Brabantse geschiedenis met een brede diversiteit aan tijdvakken en domeinen zoals economische geschiedenis, sociale geschiedenis, kerkgeschiedenis en militaire geschiedenis. Elk jaar is er verder een kroniek met besprekingen van recent verschenen boeken.