A social practice account of responsible persons
Edited by Miguel Egler and Alfred Archer
“The Descartes Lectures” is a biennial event at Tilburg University that invites a distinguished philosopher to deliver a series of three lectures, each followed by commentaries from other experts in the field. In 2022, Tilburg University had the honor of hosting Cheshire Calhoun for a series of talks on the important philosophical question of what it means to be a responsible person. The commentators for the lectures were Gunnar Björnsson, Jules Holroyd, and Heidi Maibom. This book is a compilation of the material of Calhoun’s lectures, the commentaries by Björnsson, Holroyd, and Maibom, as well as Calhoun’s replies to their critiques.
- isbn9789403771083
- publisherOpen Press Tilburg University
- publisher placeTilburg, The Netherlands
- rightsCreative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license
- rights holderMiguel Egler and Alfred Archer
- rights territoryThe Netherlands
- series titleThe Descartes Lectures
- doi
Table of Contents
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