XR Academia

Research and Experiences in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and Artificial Intelligence in Latin America and Europe

The book XR Academia: Research and Experiences in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and Artificial Intelligence in Latin America and Europe, has at its core the objective of making immersive technology accessible and visible worldwide, with the simultaneous breaking-down of linguistic barriers. Both European and Latin American authors can read each other’s work(s), allowing knowledge and experience in extended reality to be shared. Another important aspect of XR Academia is its attempt to introduce an open science contribution to the issues of immersive technologies, in order to inspire new generations that do not have access to increasingly expensive publications. This volume includes fourteen selected chapters from presenters from the 2020 and 2021 events. These chapters describe research and experiences on a wide range of XR applications, which include entertainment, health, narration, education, psychotherapy, guidance, language, culture and arts. Considering that great inventions and innovations are developed in Latin America but fail to be published internationally, our aim was to open a door to allow the permanent exchange between two languages: Spanish and English.

Recent Activity

  • Resource Added

    Sierra Rativa et al. (2022) XR Academia - Research and Experiences in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and Artificial Intelligence in Latin America and Europe

  • Resource Collection Added

    Book PDF

  • Resource Collection Added

    Chapter PDFs

  • Resource Added

    Chapter 14. Virtual Voice Illusions: A Short Review

  • Resource Added

    Chapter 13. Immersion and empathy: the question of the adoption of virtual reality

  • Resource Added

    Chapter 12. Inclusive Teaching Resources Design Integration of Analog and Digital Tools for Inclusion

Table of Contents



This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license, which means that you are free to copy and distribute this work in any medium or format, granted that you a) give appropriate credit to the author (see above), b) do not use the material for commercial purposes and c) do not remix, transform, or build upon the material.

For more information, see https://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode.

Published by

Open Press TiU

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Cover & Layout Design

Wolf Publishers, Claudia Tofan & KaftWerk, Janine Hendriks

Cover Images

Katherine Reyes Muñoz, Canvar

Peer review (Par Académico)

Gabriel Vieira Posada, Ph.D. Profesor de Narrativas inmersivas, Facultad de Comunicaciones y Filología, U. de Antioquia. Co-investigador Pedagogías Sociales innovadoras, UQAC, Quebec.

John Jairo Páez Rodríguez. Profesor de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.


  • isbn
  • publisher
    Open Press Tilburg University
  • publisher place
    Tilburg, The Netherlands
  • rights
    Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
  • rights holder
    Open Press Tilburg University
  • doi